Self-Confessed Rapist Layabout Let Go as Reddit Moderator

A man, who claims to be some kind of woman, was removed as the most senior moderator of the wildly popular /r/AntiWork (tagline “Antiwork: Unemployment for all, not just the rich!” subbreddit yesterday. This comes after an absolute train wreck of an interview with Jesse Watters on Fox News Tuesday where he mumbled semi-coherently about his meagre income from walking other people’s dogs.

Despite a subreddit wide vote on whether to respond to media requests being answered with a resounding “No”, Doreen Ford (also known as Doreen Cleyre, a tribute name to American Anarchist writer Voltairine de Cleyre) took it upon himself to accept Fox News’ invitation to appear on the show.

It has been speculated that Fox had sought out Ford specifically, having done a certain amount of background research on him, research which makes him precisely the type of privileged millennial deviant Fox’s core demographic love to get angry about. It’s not hard to see why they are disgusted by this shambling wreck of a person, given the frankly disgusting behaviour he has admitted to to the world on mainstream social media, under his own name.

A series of pathetic Facebook posts detailing acts that amount to repeated serious sexual assault have been captured and circulated since the furore, sending Reddit all-of-a-tizz as it is wont to do. In these posts, Ford attempts to “come clean” to some frankly pretty disgusting behaviour, seemingly attempting to garner support for telling his “truth”, however it comes off as an incredibly narcissistic ode to the self that I think everyone, especially his victim, would probably rather not have read.

Serial sex pest Doreen Ford / Cleyre
Doreen Ford fails to fool anyone, let alone himself, that he’s anything other than a 230lb 5’10 man.

Time and time again, we see entitled but delusional millennial “leftists” attempting to avoid dealing with their own social and mental health problems by attempting to dictate to the rest of society that they are, in fact, totally normal and to be respected; the truth of course is that people like Ford are mentally ill and enabled by weak idealogues as a means of breaking mass perception of reality.

Ford joins a list of meme-status autogynephile actors, such as the ‘It’s Ma’am!‘ Gamestop man “Tiffany” Moore, who are handing the right wing media talking points on a plate as they are identified as sexual predators. Along with the likes of Aimee Challenor, there is a disturbing link between the most vocal “Trans Activists” and sexual predation that only serves to make the lives of “ordinary” trans people harder.

Would you want him walking your dog? I wouldn’t.

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